¿Se puede hacer una obra de teatro sin dinero, sin escenografía, sin ayuda técnica, sin director, sin actores...

...unos chicos pensaron que sí se podía y estuvieron
representando a...


Los personajes


sábado, 21 de febrero de 2009

Living in Peru informa...

Representando A... - Theater

Representando A...(Representing...) tells the story of a group of three performers (Carla Martel, Vera Castaño and Marco Otoya) that manage to set up a play with the few resourses they have.
Directed by Javier Guerrero and based on testimonials from people involved in the theater world, this play offers a chance to see whats behind the stage, as the three characters take you through the many obstacles an actor faces throughout his career.

When: 8 p.m. Friday through Sunday (Until March 29th)
Where: Mocha Graña theater- Paseo Sáenz Peña 107, Barranco
Cost: s/. 15
Tickets available at Teleticket


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